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Minefield Guideline 3: Maintain Confidence, Strength, and Fun on Your Dates

Technically, the title of this lesson is: 

"Maintain Confidence, Strength, and Fun on Your Dates, and End Them with Whatever Physicality is Right for Each of You." 

But that's a mouthful. 

In any case, here's the point... 

Your job is to be the leader during The Minefield (actually, this is always your job). 

This is an extension of your strength.  

You plan the dates... 

You put in the thought and advanced effort to make them fun, different, and unique... 

You keep her on her toes, guessing... 

Step fully into your masculine by being the dominant, alpha male, leading your times together. Doing this will allow her to fully embrace her sweet, nurturing femininity. This is the polarity that will help lead to lasting attraction. 

Important: Everything I referenced in the modules on your first conversation/first date applies equally to dates during the Minefield. I’m referencing your mindset going into your dates, letting her speak far more than you, asking her quality questions, teasing her, keeping talk of yourself to a minimum, not putting her on a pedestal, qualifying her, and everything else. 

One addition I’ll make for The Minefield regards sexuality. 

Sex is a personal thing, with many different intensely personal, moral, and religious perspectives on it. I’m not advocating for or against any particular approach to sex. 

Yet the reality is that in our modern culture, many couples who like each other will have sex on or soon after the second or third date. Sometimes it will be on the first date, in other cases, it will take many dates, but around Date 2 or 3 is common. 

Either way, your job as the male, is to be the leader. 

This means you take responsibility for escalating the physicality, while always being sensitive to never push her beyond her comfort level. 

To the degree it’s right for the both of you, given your respective belief systems, take the leadership role in your sexual relationship. 

This is your responsibility – not hers. 

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